All of the source code for the West Kingdom infrastructure that was built by the West Kingdom web team is available in the West Kingdom Organization on GitHub.
Some of the West Kingdom code is still in the process of being migrated to this new organization.
Individual Collaborators
Anyone can help out on West Kingdom projects without being granted any special access. You'll need to Create a GitHub Account to get started; it's free. After that, there are just a few simple steps.
- Fork a repository.
- Make a branch for your contribution.
- Simple changes can be made directly on the GitHub website.
- Submit a pull request.
GitHub also has a streamlined workflow for simple changes:
- Edit a file directly in the westkingdom project, and GitHub will guide you through the other steps.
That's it! Administrators will receive the request, and, if the change is acceptable, can [merge it back into the main project].
Adding an Owner to the Organization
Owners of the Wesk Kingdom organization on GitHub can commit to all West Kingdom projects, and can remove other owners. Maybe when we are larger, we might create an "Administrator" team that cannot remove owners.
To add an owner:
- Go to the westkingdom organization
- Click on the Owners button on the right-hand-side toolbar.
- Click on "Invite or add users to team" and type in the GitHub username of the person to invite.
When we get larger, we might want to make an "Administrators" team, so that we can create administrators who cannot remove the organization owners. For now, though, we are relying on security-by-policy: don't make changes that you're not supposed to!